Thursday, October 6, 2011

First time for everything

I have always thought that the art of writing was a wonderful thing. Especially the art of writing about your life. Nevertheless, I do not believe I am a great writer, much less a creative writer, and don't know how this blog will turn out. Even though this might be true, it is about time I did this. I have consistently considered creating a journal/blog but just thought I didn't have the time.  I have realized now that its imperative that I make time for things that I believe in and do things for myself. 

I will use this blog as a general picture into my life and to write about whatever may be on my mind at that particular moment. I do not have the hopes of connecting with a wide audience, yet I hope that the people who do access my blog will be given a glimpse into my life and will perhaps learn something from me or contribute to mine. Many great people have come and gone in my life that have influenced me and someday I wish to be that great person for someone as well. So here it is, the not-so-creative-story-of-my-life. To whoever reads this I hope that it is at least a little entertaining or inspiring or that it will allow me to connect with somebody. If it isn't any of those things then at least it will help me as a way to keep track of my life. Look back and see what I have done. And remember the little things. Because I have learned that even the most irrelevant moments are what really brings you happiness in life and those moments help you get through your days. 

I was inspired to write a journal for the first time about 3 years ago while participating in a summer camp for high school students. We were having our farewell dinner for one of our sessions and, as usual, we invited all the faculty that had been involved in the program for that particular session. One of the faculty members that was in attendance was an engineering professor and she proceeded to write in her black journal after our meal while at the same time engaging in conversation. Out of curiosity, I asked her what it was. She told me that no matter what happened throughout her day she would always spend at least 5 minutes creating an entry to commemorate her events/thoughts/feelings. Although she doesn't share it with anyone she felt that it was essential to help her relieve stress and she enjoyed going back to read miniscule things that had happened throughout her life. I thought the concept was a wonderful idea.

My first attempts at journaling were a complete fail. I hope that this time around it will be easier for me to create something memorable. I have had many thoughts these past few weeks and realize I am very grateful for my life and the opportunities that I have been blessed with. The first message I would like to share are my sister's words. I feel that these simple sentences really have a magnitude of truth within them. On her myspace page she writes: 

"i love to meet new people and have lots of fun and by the way fun can come in many different shapes and forms.....i believe where you come from and what you experience in life makes you stronger or weaker the people you meet even for a second make you who you are. A great somebody once told me its not your age that tells how old you are its your maturity..."

So here is to my memory of her. Great memories. To never forgetting what an amazing person she was. To show what a great impact she has made in my life. To express how she has made me a stronger woman. To never forgetting her. And most importantly to remembering and recording the occurrences in my life, so that I can remember too.